WePolter!WePolter! is a loose network of artists who, through their practice cross, blur or erase the line between art and politics. They are not affiliated with any political party, but are nonetheless committed to bringing about fundamental and lasting change. Since occasionally it makes sense for them strategically to pool their resources, they have created the Polterparty, a ghost or ‘Geist’ of sorts that can act like a political party without actually being one. It allows them to run, engage with or insert themselves into political campaigns, utilising the media, the internet, billboards and whatever other means, methods and platforms they deem appropriate to initiate and amplify political debates around issues of public concern. Whether they work individually, in groups or through the Polterparty, they maintain their independence at all times, always only speak for themselves and reject the idea of others speaking on their behalf. WePolter! is an inclusive and hence by definition a pluralist network. They therefore reject the idea of political art as a category or label. All art can and under certain conditions will be political. Equally, just because something is topical or controversial does not mean that it is necessarily political. For art to be truly political ontologically, it has to cross, blur or erase some line. In a way, in the eyes of some people, usually someone in power, it has to stop being art. They welcome enquiries from anyone interested in joining or supporting them and they are always on the outlook for radical arts organisations and groups interested in helping them organise events/interventions in their region. To engage with them, please drop them a line. WePolter! was launched by Nicodemus in 2015 and has been supported by the Democracy School since. |