The ICR Development Process brings together refugee and non-refugee activists, their organisations and networks. Our aim is to create an International Committee of Refugees (the ICR), a directly elected, democratically accountable representative assembly for internally displaced persons, refugees and people living in exile. Since the ICR will not only be elected by, but also be made up of internally displaced persons, refugees and people living in exile, it will be both a legitimate and an authentic voice, able to represent displaced persons vis-à-vis local councils, sub-national and national parliaments, the European Parliament and the UN. To realise this vision, we have embarked on what we call the ICR Development Process, which culminates in a global refugee conference where we decide together whether or not to pursue this idea, and if so, call international refugee elections. At the centre of this process sit a growing number of self-organising working groups, which in various ways contribute to the articulation of our vision through research on the one hand, and through targeted interventions on the other. The fruits of this labour (insights, plans, etc) will then be presented by these groups at our conference in the form of podium discussions, round tables, seminars, workshops, exhibitions and so forth. This is an open process, similar to that adopted by the ‘social forum’ movement. It is a radically decentralised and inclusive self-organising process where no one group or individual has a monopoly over anything, and everyone can participate in everything. Anyone wishing to set up a working group can do so. All we ask is that participating individuals and groups endorse our foundational values of openness, equality and diversity. All participating working groups are listed here. Available downloads
The Democracy School is the ICR’s accountable body for fundraising purposes. Anyone wishing to support this initiative is most welcome to contact us via the contact form provided here. |